Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5/20/2014 Lunch time in Guthrie Center, Iowa

Larry Hanner telling us about his work with the Guthrie County Conservation District.
We were happily enjoying lunch aside the Middle Raccoon River this past Tuesday on our way into Nebraska at Lenon Mill Park, in Guthrie County, Iowa. Joe Hanner, Guthrie County Conservation Board Director, stopped by while we were eating and soaking up the sun to introduce himself. He gave us some history of the land, and answered any questions we had. Some interesting tidbits he shared with us is that the Middle Raccoon River is one of the cleanest in Iowa, with a relatively low sediment load. Many fishermen are attracted to the area because of the wide variety of fish that are able to live in the clean water! Along with this, bikers from all over come to Guthrie County to ride the 72-mile paved Raccoon River Valley Trail that runs from Waukee to Jefferson, Iowa. One day maybe I'll come back to ride it! It was a perfect spot for lunch, and super informative. They are so friendly here in the Midwest!

Here is a link to the Guthrie County Conservation Board website, if you're interested to learn more about the area: http://www.guthriecounty.org/gccb/


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